Mediation Puts People Who Know Your Child In Control
June 3, 2016 by West Coast ADR
Most parents want what is best for their child. When a child’s parents aren’t in a relationship, tension about how to raise the child can occur. Unfortunately, working through that tension is often very difficult. Using mediation to try to come to an agreement about how a child custody agreement should be handled is one way that you and your ex can try to get things done.
The good thing about using mediation in a child custody case is that the decisions about the child are being made by the two people who really know the child. You don’t have to rely on someone who doesn’t know the child to make the choices.
We know that trying to work out the finer points of a child custody agreement can be a stressful situation. It is imperative that you make sure you aren’t letting your emotions get in the way of making sound decisions for your child. Instead, you have to put your child’s interests and desires before your own.
Another positive point about using mediation is that your issues are likely going to be resolved quicker than if you had to wait on the court to decide. This can help your child since everything isn’t up in limbo for a prolonged period of time.
Mediation isn’t something that is always going to be easy. In the end, it is usually worth the work because you are likely to end up with a child custody agreement that will work for your child. It also shows your child that you and your ex can work together to put him or her first.
Most parents want what is best for their child. When a child’s parents aren’t in a relationship, tension about how to raise the child can occur. Unfortunately, working through that tension is often very difficult. Using mediation to try to come to an agreement about how a child custody agreement should be handled is one way that you and your ex can try to get things done.
The good thing about using mediation in a child custody case is that the decisions about the child are being made by the two people who really know the child. You don’t have to rely on someone who doesn’t know the child to make the choices.
We know that trying to work out the finer points of a child custody agreement can be a stressful situation. It is imperative that you make sure you aren’t letting your emotions get in the way of making sound decisions for your child. Instead, you have to put your child’s interests and desires before your own.
Another positive point about using mediation is that your issues are likely going to be resolved quicker than if you had to wait on the court to decide. This can help your child since everything isn’t up in limbo for a prolonged period of time.
Mediation isn’t something that is always going to be easy. In the end, it is usually worth the work because you are likely to end up with a child custody agreement that will work for your child. It also shows your child that you and your ex can work together to put him or her first.